Do you know…


Do you know what my favorite art medium to work with is?

If you already know, good for you.


If you don’t know, the answer is watercolor.

I love watercolor because it has a wonderful hue. Actually it has many hues P and many shades of color.

Watercolor is fantastic!

Truly, it’s a wonderful medium to work with, because it’s pure. And that means that it is good for
the heart. And whatever is good for the heart is also good for the soul.

Also, watercolor is not heavy like oil. So there’s a level of transparency to it.

So the artwork done in watercolor…it’s full.


It’s light too, so again there’s this level of transparency to it.
Which makes it unique and special.

Also it has a natural tint.

So it’s natural, it’s not heavy like other mediums, such as oil or a heavy paint.

So again:

-it’s light
-it’s natural

And you just get this light feeling from it, that just feels good. It’s a level of “purity” and
“niceness” that comes through when you work with watercolor.

And even though, watercolor is light, it is still a powerful and complete medium.

It’s amazing, and that’s why I LOVE to work with it.

And it’s not watercolor this time around, but it’s still my art
and it’s a lot of fun.

So have a look:

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