Guess What We Got To Do?

We got to do this…

We, my husband and I, got to go see Peter Rabbit for his 100th Birthday Celebration.
The exhibit was in Osaka, Japan.

It was amazing seeing the original letters that Beatrix Potter wrote.
The letters to the child of one of her friends, who had fallen ill.

And to see the published books that the letters became.

It was really inspiring.

Sorry, no pictures were allowed, but there were life size displays like
these that we could take pictures of:



And to see how it lead to other published works and her building of a brand.
A brand that became a collection of books, which then became a board game,
a stuffed animal Peter Rabbit doll.

All back in around 1904 is when the products evolved from the books for children.

And now, today.

It is still popular, and continues with movies, magnets, cups, shirts, art, and so on.
Not to mention the several languages that all of her books have been translated into.

So exciting and inspiring!

And if you want some fun and excitement in your mornings:

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