More exciting fun…
So exciting….
Back in April, we went to see the artist Banksy’s first
showing in Japan.
We went to an exhibition in Osaka.
This was the poster and flyer:
If you don’t know who Banksy is, it is worth a Google search.
“He” is unknown.
There are theories and lots of speculation, but truly Banksy is an enigma.
Complete autonomy.
But his works have been shown around the world on the streets.
Yes, graffiti.
But also paintings and other works in hospitals and
even at Sotheby.
That is a “high-tier” art auction.
(In case you didn’t know that.)
And it is known and respected globally.
A famous piece by Banksy:
And another:
My husband and I really had a great time.
And although it isn’t “Banksy”, you might enjoy this:
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