The ATOA Experience–Part 2

Kaoru Art World ATOA Part 2


I know I know…

I said last time “That’s all”.


I was looking over the photos and
I just have a few more to share.

Because they are worth it.

First one is the Boeseman’s Rainbowfish.
It is a rare fish and very close to going
completely extinct:

Boeseman's Rainbowfish

Next is the White-Blotched River Stingray

Spotted Sting Ray

This is a RIVER stingray.
Not found in the ocean,
very unique.


I also wanted to share this too.
It’s the Garden Eel.
It is very “snake like”, as it appears and disappears
from the sand.

Very interesting!

Garden eel


That’s all I wanted to share.

Even a very “strange” exhibit about penguins.
But it was so weird, I’m not even going to
talk about it.

My husband and I took no pictures of “that one”.
And we DEFINITELY didn’t participate.

Okay, I’ll give you a hint.

It had to do with a penguin’s butt.
That is ALL I am saying about it.


No penguin’s butts or anything weird here:


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